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Industrial Design registration in Colombia

from 1452.00
Number of Priorities
Number of Designs
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  • Design fees

Fees associated with filing industrial design application in Colombia as well as other design fees are available in the fee calculator.

  • The term for filing of a design application in Colombia

The term for filing design applications claiming conventional priority in Colombia is 6 months from the priority date.

  • Multiple design application

Multiple design applications are not possible in Colombia.

  • Minimum filing requirements in Colombia

Minimum filing requirements for a design application in Colombia are:
- identification of the applicant(s) and/or the designer(s) along with their addresses and nationality;
- specification or sample of the design with 7 views, its photograph or graphical representation. In the case of three-dimensional designs, it is necessary to submit the side, upper, lower, frontal, rear and perspective views;
- proof of payment of the official fee.

  • Power of Attorney requirements

A scanned copy of the executed Power of Attorney should be submitted at the time of filing a design application in Colombia. Legalization or notarization thereof is not required. Failure to file the POA with the application will result in the Colombian Patent Office issuing a formal Office Action requesting the applicant to submit the POA within a deadline of 30 working days, which can be extended for another 30 working days, if necessary. When the POA form is not filed within the stated timeframe, the application will be considered abandoned.

  • Priority document

It is necessary to provide a scanned copy of the priority document's certified copy officially translated into Spanish within nine months following the priority date.

  • Assignment deed

If the applicant is not the creator of an industrial design, a scanned copy of the executed, non-legalized Assignment Deed in Spanish must be provided to the Office. If Assignment Deed is not filed with the application, the Colombian Patent Office will issue a formal Office Action, requesting the applicant to file it within 30 working days deadline (extendable for another 30 additional working days). Not filing of the Assignment within this term will lead to the abandonment of the application.

  • Examination of a design application in Colombia

It is not necessary to request an examination of the industrial design in Colombia. If a third party does not file an opposition against the design during 30 working days from its publication, the Colombian Patent Office will not perform a novelty search.

  • Grace period

If the disclosure of the information on the industrial design has been made by the applicant, inventor, assignee or a third party who have obtained information from the applicant, inventor, assignee or national offices 6 months before the filing date or, if priority is claimed before the priority date it will not disprove the novelty of a Colombian design application.

  • Validity term

The validity term of an industrial design registration in Colombia is ten years from the date of filing. This term is not renewable and, after expiring, the design becomes public domain.

  • Grant and patent maintenance

There is neither official grant fee nor annual fees for an industrial design in Colombia.

  • Representation by a patent attorney

For foreign applicants, it is necessary to perform the design prosecution in Colombia through a Colombian attorney at law.

  • What can be registered

The particular appearance of a product that results from any arrangement of lines or combination of colours, or any two-dimensional or three-dimensional outward shape, line, outline, form, texture, or material, without the intended use or purpose of the said product being thereby changed are registrable as an industrial design in Colombia.

  •  Note

Online Database for Colombian Design Search.

The above information was verified by ARAMBURO RESTREPO ABOGADOS on 26.02.2024
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with the Colombian IP Laws.
