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Trademark registration in Chile
Fees associated with filing trademark applications in Chile, as well as other trademark fees, are available in the fee calculator.
Multiple-class applications
Multiple-class trademark applications are possible in Chile.
To obtain the filing date, it is necessary to provide the patent office with: applicant's data including address for correspondence, representation of the trademark, list of goods/services.
Requirements for the Power of Attorney
A scanned copy of the signed Power of Attorney must be submitted either at the time of filing or within 60 days from the date of filing an application for trademark registration in Chile.
The original Priority Document translated into Spanish must be submitted to the Chilean trademark office within 90 days from the date of filing.
The opposition period against the Chilean trademark application is 30 working days from the publication of a trademark application.
Validity term and trademark renewal
The validity term of a trademark in Chile is ten years from registration. An application for renewal must be filed within 6 months before the expiration date of the registration. The trademark may be also renewed within six months after the renewal due date providing that a corresponding surcharge has been paid.
Registration of the trademark in Chile can be cancelled on the grounds of non-use upon a third party’s request if it has not been used for 5 years from registration of a trademark.
Representation by a trademark attorney
For foreigners it is necessary to appoint an agent, a registered Chilean trademark attorney, to perform the trademark prosecution in Chile.
What can be registered as a trademark in Chile
All distinctive and graphically representable signs ,sound marks and slogans as well as olfactory and three-dimensional trademarks. Trademarks, service marks, word mark, word label, label slogan, industrial establishment and commercial establishment are registrable as a trademark in Chile.
Online database for Chilean Trademarks Search.
The above information was verified by GARAY PUGA on 02.02.2023
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Chilean IP Laws