IP Lawyers in Brazil and Argentina
Company address
Av. Governador Carlos de Lima Cavalcante 2295 Monteiro Home Service Apt. 503, Casa Caiada (CEP 53130555) Olinda Pernambuco, Brazil
Company details
Company description
Who we are
Claudio Marcelo Albarellos
Claudio Marcelo Albarellos is a lawyer specializing in intellectual and industrial property rights. He is graduated as a lawyer at the University of Buenos Aires, and earned a degree in Intellectual Property Rights of this University. He is agent of Industrial Property in Argentina. Advises on domestic and foreign licensing agreements, franchising and business law firms. He has also gained extensive experience litigating before the Federal Court in Argentina. He has written several articles on topics related to his specialization and has participated as a speaker at universities and national forums.
Ana Claudia Chaves Ramos
Ana Claudia Ramos Chaves is Lawyer, Instructor and Legal Consulting of companies affiliated with our firm. As instructor held trainings and conferences in shopping centers as Tacaruna Center, Plaza, Boa Vista and Guararapes in the city of Recife, Pernambuco.