Fee description |
Amount |
Currently |
In force on and after March 23, 2016 |
Trademark registration |
Basic fee for the application for an individual mark |
€1 050 |
€1 000 |
Basic fee for the application for an individual mark - E-filing |
€900 |
€850 |
Fee for each class of goods and services exceeding three for an individual mark |
€150 |
removed |
Fee for the second class of goods and services for an individual mark |
− |
€50 |
Fee for each class of goods and services exceeding two for an individual mark |
− |
€150 |
Basic fee for the application for a collective mark |
€1 800 |
€1 800 |
Basic fee for the application for a collective mark E-filing |
− |
€1 500 |
Fee for each class of goods and services exceeding three for a collective mark |
€300 |
removed |
Fee for the second class of goods and services for a collective mark |
− |
€50 |
Fee for each class of goods and services exceeding two for a collective mark |
− |
€150 |
Trademark renewal |
Basic fee for the renewal for an individual mark |
€1 500 |
€1 000 |
E-renewal fee for an individual mark |
€1 350 |
€850 |
Fee for the renewal of each class of goods and services exceeding three for an individual mark |
€400 |
removed |
Fee for the renewal of the second class of goods and services for an individual mark |
− |
€50 |
Fee for the renewal of the each class of goods and services exceeding two for an individual mark |
− |
€150 |
Basic fee for the renewal for a collective mark |
€3 000 |
€1 800 |
Basic fee for the E - renewal for a collective mark |
− |
€1 500 |
Fee for the renewal of each class of goods and services exceeding three for an collective mark |
€800 |
removed |
Fee for the renewal of the second class of goods and services for an collective mark |
− |
€50 |
Fee for the renewal of the each class of goods and services exceeding two for an collective mark |
− |
€150 |
Other fees |
Trademark opposition fee |
€350 |
€320 |
Trademark cancellation fee |
€700 |
€630 |
EUIPO appeal fee |
€800 |
€720 |