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European patent validation in Hungary

from 633.00
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Detailed information related to the European Patent.

  • Translation into Hungarian

For validation of a European patent in Hungary, it is necessary to provide the HIPO with the Hungarian translation of the claims within three months from the date of publication and mention of the grant of the patent in the European Patent Bulletin. If a patent has been published in German or French, it is necessary to furnish English or Hungarian translation of the specification (title, description, claims, drawings) of the European patent within three months from the date on which the European patent has been published in the European Patent Bulletin. 

An original of the signed Power of Attorney should be submitted if an applicant is represented by the agent.

  • Validation fees

The fees associated with validation of a European patent in Hungary are available in the fee calculator.

  • Maintenance fees

Annual maintenance fees for a European Patent validated in Hungary become due only after the publication of the European Patent in the European Patent Bulletin. If the annual fee is due within 3 months after the publication, it can be paid within this period of 3 months after the publication without a surcharge. All subsequent annual fees should be paid in advance before the due date. The due date for payment of annuities is the anniversary of the filing date.

  • Representation by a patent attorney

For patent applicants not residing in the European Economic Area (EEA), it is necessary to perform validation of the European Patent in Hungary through an agent, a registered Hungarian patent attorney.

Brief summary is based on the information provided by MILOJEVIC, SEKULIC & ASSOCIATES on 07.03.2024
Please contact us if the above information is not in conformity with Hungarian IP Laws
