Denmark: Changes to patent publication fee and EP validation requirements
As of April 1, 2015 changes to the patent publication fee and EP validation process in Denmark entered into force.
Patent publication fee. Earlier the publication fee for Danish patents and European patents validated in Denmark consisted from the basic fee and the fee for extra pages in the patent document. In view of the increase of the digitalization environment this fee is now fixed and does not depend on the patent document size.
Validation of the European Patent in Denmark. According to the recent amendments for European Patents granted in English the requirements for validation were simplified: only translation of claims into Danish must be submitted. Previously, not depending on granting language, the patent owner was obliged to provide the Danish translation of the whole specification of the European Patent.
To get an actual quote for IP protection in Denmark please visit our quotation system.
You are also welcome to review the brief applicant guide for registration of the IP rights in Denmark:
Author: Lynda Miller