New additions to TMView and DesignClass
The past month has seen three new additions to TMView. As of September 27, 2019, Thailand has officially joined TMView, with OAPI following on October 1, 2019, and Liechtenstein on October 21, 2019.
With Liechtenstein as the latest addition, TMView now offers the benefit of access to trademark data from a total of 169 countries and 71 participating offices. Since its introduction on April 13, 2010, TMView holds data of over 53 million trademarks worldwide and has recently been upgraded to a beta version which can be utilised alongside the original interface. The new version incorporates a significantly improved display and categorisation system, allowing search results to be shown in order of relevance to the term required. Additionally, TMView will also now benefit from an enhanced navigation and search tool. A further feature allows users to select multiple trademarks and compare them side by side for reference. TMView has received nearly 48 million search requests from participating countries, with the UK, Germany and China providing the most frequent users.
DesignClass has also welcomed new additions, with ARIPO, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, North Macedonia and Serbia all joining as of September 30, 2019. These six offices are the first outside of the EU to have joined the database. DesignClass is a unique platform where applicants can search for product indications that best match the goods they wish to register. With a total of 30 IP offices, DesignClass allows users to search for over 12,000 concepts from 30 IP offices in 27 different languages.