IP-Coster at the AIPPI World Intellectual Property Congress 2016
IP-Coster Network took part in the AIPPI World Intellectual Property Congress 2016 in Milano, Italy, during September 16-20. This year Congress was attended by a record number of participants for this event so far.
Many IP issues were raised through the series of study committee meetings and workshops from the leading experts. The panels discussed such topics as Contributory Infringement, Patentable subjects, Computer implemented technologies, Priority rights, Copyright, Brexit implications.
An integral part of the AIPPI World Intellectual Property Congress was the IP exhibition where IP-Coster team showcased advantages and privileges of joining and using the system to facilitate IP protection process worldwide. For this year Congress the IP-Coster team set a goal to share the latest updates and improvements and to give more information about our services.
It was a pleasure for us to meet all our international partners and colleagues in Milano. We will be glad to see everyone again at AIPPI World Congress 2017 in Sydney, Australia, and at other IP events.