April 25, 2024

World IP Day 2024

World Intellectual Property Day is a unique occasion marked every year on the 26th of April, celebrating various aspects of IP and international goals for the IP field for the coming year.

This year's World IP Day theme is “IP and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Building our common future with innovation and creativity.”

This year's World IP Day goal has been established with the focus on advancing sustainability in a modern world, and with the aim of shining a light on how reimagining our lifestyle choices, such as our leisure activities or occupations, can lead to a more sustainable future for all.

World IP Day 2024 presents an opportunity for us as a global network to delve into how IP can foster and enhance inventive and artistic solutions which could be vital in forging a more sustainable collective path forward.

Established by the United Nations, a total of 17 Sustainable Development Goals have been implemented which span a variety of areas for sustainability. These goals include improvement in the areas of Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Affordable and Clean Energy, and Clean Water and Sanitation, among several others.

These SGDs are intertwined, with each area requiring action in order to achieve the goals set forth by the UN. Each of the 17 SGDs is complex and will require a cohesive strategy in order to achieve the sustainability goals, meaning that a balanced worldwide approach utilizing multiple fields and industries is crucial.

Intellectual property as an overall field has the propensity to greatly aid the development of these areas of sustainability goals in particular. Innovation has long been at the forefront of assisting communities across the globe, utilizing modern inventions to provide realistic solutions to worldwide sustainability concerns.

We wish everybody a happy and innovative World IP Day 2024!

Author: Danielle Carvey